NED 101

NED 101

A few years ago, I heard a cruel joke: Q: Why is a non-executive director like a bidet? A: No one knows what it’s really for but it adds a touch...
7 failure factors for workplace change

7 failure factors for workplace change

It’s a little depressing but we all know it’s true: workplace change is difficult and failure happens. Maybe not the 70% failure rate so often...
Board teambuilding checklist

Board teambuilding checklist

It’s a well-accepted truism in business that a team is more effective than a simple quantity of individuals (maybe not 100% accepted but most...
From good to great in the Boardroom

From good to great in the Boardroom

As a boardroom team, would you say you’re good? And is that ‘good’ as in good at what you do or as in good enough? Whether good, bad or...
The Effective New Director

The Effective New Director

Taking on a director role is one of those ‘big step up’ changes. Even if you already have most if not all of the necessary skills and experience...