- boardroomeffectiveness.co.uk
- Samantha Griffiths

Samantha (BSc (Hons), MBA, FCCA, Dip IoD) specialises in Board development, governance and the narrative reporting landscape, with emphasis on integrated thinking and reporting.
She started her career in a large international bank, transitioned to a role in Treasury for a large multinational engineering business, before several years working at the London Stock Exchange. This has been followed by an extensive freelance consulting and training career, working alongside boards and senior management teams at many high-profile organisations.
Over the years, Samantha has worked with boards and their corporate advisors to review hundreds of annual reports and corporate communications. The focus of her work has been on developing and articulating the value proposition of organisations to their various stakeholders. Consulting assignments have included investor outreach programmes, perception studies, board evaluations, annual report development, key message development, best practice benchmarking and board impact training. She has led the development of internationally award-winning annual reports and governance practices. Her work has also involved her working alongside organisations involved in initiatives such as the FRC’s Financial Reporting Lab’s Business Model initiative. She has also been part of the IIRC’s specialist review panel-critique programme, regarding those reports categorised as being ‘Improvers’.
Samantha’s practical experience is complemented by her academic links to a variety of UK and international institutions. She frequently delivers lectures, seminars and master classes on topics including Governance, Strategy, Risk, Entrepreneurship and Ethics.
Samantha is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. She also has an Executive MBA from Manchester Business School (Guardian Scholarship recipient) and is a member of the Institute of Directors (IOD) and contributes to the IOD’s Expert Advisory Group – Governance. She is currently pursuing a part-time Executive Doctorate in Business Administration at Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University – researching the tensions between governance and entrepreneurial boards of listed companies.
Sam is based in Birmingham and works across the UK and internationally.