The boardroom effectiveness company
Many boards of directors, and teams of senior managers, build an ‘away-day’ or ‘strategy day’ into their business planning and thinking calendar.
- boardroomeffectiveness.co.uk
- In-house programmes
- ‘Away-days’
Whilst these types of session can be run successfully by one of the directors of the business, our experience of many organisations, and many such events, shows that there are significant benefits to be gained from using an experienced, external facilitator.
- Our experience will help you to understand and define the objectives, dynamics and measures of success.
- We will work with you to plan and run all aspects of the event.
- We can co-ordinate the logistics (including venue search and liaison) with your own staff or we can undertake it all ourselves, as you prefer.
- Our leadership on the day will ensure that all attendees participate and (when and if required) we will bring our own expertise into the discussion and the event.
- We can be as involved or as detached in the discussions as the subject matter requires.
- We can also help mediate and take the heat out of any disagreements on the day, if required. Let us know if this is likely and we can do some additional groundwork with you to ensure a successful and productive session.
- We will help you to focus on how the event can add value to your organisation.
- We will help to build a ‘right first time’ approach to all aspects of the day.
- We can provide feedback, notes and further challenge after the event to ensure momentum and delivery of outcomes.
Having understood the need and the dynamics of your particular requirement, our experienced facilitator will be able to offer all of the above on a fixed fee basis. If required this can be built to include all aspects of venue costs.