The effective international director

A one-day workshop

Do you understand all you need to about:

  • The basic differences in legal systems across Europe, the USA and Asia?
  • The effect that different jurisdictions have on international business and the work of the board?
  • The effect of cross-cultural differences on business relationships?
  • The role of the international director, in the context of both privately and publicly owned companies?
  • The implications of the cross-cultural context in which your organisation operates?

If not, perhaps it would be unwise to assume that the rest of the board is any clearer on the issues. A workshop – this workshop – might help you all get to grips with the issues. It examines the implications for international directors of operating across different legal and cultural systems and can be tailored to your specific circumstances and requirements.

Learning objectives

This workshop will give you:

  • Knowledge of the basis of legal differences in company law in alternative jurisdictions
  • A clear understanding of the role and responsibilities of foreign directors and overseas boards
  • A clear understanding of how and why cultures vary and the consequences for board and business relationships

Who should attend?

This workshop has been designed primarily for directors and aspiring directors whose companies are foreign-owned, have foreign subsidiaries or joint ventures, or who are involved in international business.


  • Usually delivered as a one- or two-day session
  • For individual directors, can be run on a one-to-one basis if required (this works best as a series of bite-sized Skype or Zoom sessions)

Special features

By virtue of the subject matter, this workshop is almost invariably tailored to meet the client’s specific requirements. Talk it through with David and he’ll draft an agenda for you.

Meet the trainer

David is an extremely well-qualified and experienced trainer, mentor and coach of board directors and senior executives in all aspects of management and corporate governance. His highly successful business record speaks for itself. He is a former Chairman for Continental Europe of the Institute of Directors and member of the governing Council of the Institute in the UK.


Note: This outline is intended purely as a starting point for a conversation with the trainer before he drafts an agenda to meet your specific requirements.

1 The comparative basis of company law

  • Comparing the basis of company law in the major jurisdictions
  • Company law in emerging economies
  • Procedures, practice, common problems and misunderstandings

2 Corporate governance in different jurisdictions

  • International comparative corporate governance
  • Developments in the EU, USA and other jurisdictions
  • Corporate governance in emerging economies
  • Role of the director, board structure and operation in different jurisdictions

3 International board roles and relationships

  • Board composition and structure
  • Roles
  • Relationships
  • Executive and non-executive directors
  • Advisors and the board
  • Stakeholders and the board
  • Creating an effective board in an international context

4 Cultural orientation and cross-cultural leadership

  • Understanding cultural variation
    • Individual and group orientation
    • Social relationships in different cultures
    • Activity and the use of time
    • How different cultures see each other
  • Communicating across cultural boundaries
  • Thinking and reasoning in different cultures
  • Group dynamics and work practices

5 Integrative case study (optional)

For a no-obligation discussion about running this programme for your organisation on an in-house basis, just give us a call on 01582 463465.